
This is a brief tutorial to illustrate how to run a simple application that makes use of the cmmpy. For more details and more options, one can have a look at many examples available in the bitbucket/github repositories in the folder test. The files provided in the test folder cover almost all the examples explored in the companion paper published in Computers and Geosciences by A.Comunian and M.Giudici, DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2021.104705 (hereinafter, the companion paper).

Example - Tomographic approach

This example is based on the implementation of the CMM with a tomographic approach. It should allow to obtain part e) of Fig.9 of the companion paper.

Hereinafter we will briefly describe the main components required to run the CMM.

Setting up the forward problem

As many other inversion tools, the CMM requires to set up a tool to solve the forward problem (FP). Here the set up is implemented with flopy and the Modflow6 version. Nevertheless, you can customize the code to use different tools for the solution of the FP, as it was for example done in the preliminary part of this study by using Modflow2005, or by Comunian and Giudici (DOI: 10.1007/s11004-018-9727-0) who applied the CMM with Parflow as flow simulation engine.

In the provided Python code, this is done in the function run_fp of the module tool. You can customize this function to suit your particular needs. However, if your have modeling assumption akin to the one stated in the companion paper, then you will not need to customize this function too much, maybe even not. In fact, the code is written in order to delegate as much as possible all the parameterization and a big part of the model settings to an editable json file, to avoid as much as possible edits on the function run_fp function. The content of this json file is described in the next section.

Parameter file

As mentioned in the previous section, the main modifications that a user should do to apply the CMM to his case study should be made on the data files and to the input parameter file (JSON file). An example of this file is provided for many test cases in the bitbucket/github repositories in the aforementioned test folder. For example, hereinafter it is provided a list of the entries of the file test.json contained in the folder test/test07_md_paper/04_S-SW-W-NW, explained one by one. In general, the parameters are grouped into four categories:


some “general” parameters.


parameters related to the forward problem run.


parameters related to the generation of the synthetic \(T\) distribution which is used as reference.


parameters related to the Comparison Model Method (CMM).


parameters related to the addition of noise to the input head fields.

Let us start to describe in details the sub-categories of the aforementioned “main” categories:


The working directory where all the output files will be saved.


Directory containing some needed data sets. For example, the files containing the boundary conditions and the shape of the domain will be stored here. For examples of possible input files, you can have a look at the folder test/data


An output directory to save all the output needed by the flopy implementation.


The workspace related to the Modflow problem


Name of the modflow problem


The name of the modflow executable. In the example, the name mf6dbl is provided. However, in general, a more common name would be mf6 (if you are working on Linux of macOS) or mf6.exe. Clearly, if the binary file of your modflow is not in the system PATH, you could also set here the explicit path.


A file that contains codes that indicate the type of the cells used for the boundary conditions. The next section Input data files contains a more detailed description of this input format.

fwd["nx"], fwd["ny"]

Numer of cells along the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates

fwd["dx"], fwd["dy"]

Size of the cells side (in meters)


This keyword contains the detailed description of all the multiple data sets that can be used within cmmpy to apply the CMM with a tomographic approach. The main components of this keyword is a list, containing one dictionary for each data set. The dictionary contain the following keywords: name defines a name for the corresponding data set, which at the moment is not explicitly used inside the code, but that is useful as reference to the data set; h_BCs is the name of the VTK file (contained in the folder defined by the previously mentioned keyword data) that contains the values of the fixed head boundary conditions.


This contains the numerical value of a diffuse recharge term.


This should be a list containing three integers, that correspond to the cell location of the well (see for example the JSON files in the folder test/test06_wells1a1)


A reference name for the well.


The abstraction rate of the well, with the same conventions used in flopy.


The seed for the pseudo-random generator


The dimension of the problem, 2D or 3D.


Variance of the heterogeneous field.


The scale length of the simulated heterogeneity.


The maximum number of iterations required to run the CMM. For the case study analyzed in the companion paper, 10 iteration were OK.


The proportions of data to be rejected and where the low gradient values should be corrected.


A threshold value for the hydraulic gradient \(\grad (h)\).


When using multiple data sets, this is the mode that is used to merge the \(T\) computed with the different input data. Allowed values are arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, median, and mincorr (there is also an “alternative” mincorrX). Default value is geometric. See the code and the companion paper for more details.

The same algorithm used for the generation of the synthetic field example is here used to generate a correlated noise field to be added to the input \(h\) data. If you do not need to add noise to your data, simply set the value of std to 0.0.


The seed for the pseudo-random generator


The dimension of the problem, 2D or 3D.


Variance of the heterogeneous field.


The scale length of the simulated heterogeneity.

Input data files

This is a brief description of some of the input data files contained in the folder test/data.

shape of the domain and cells type

A matrix with the same shape of the domain should be provided, with the letter I for internal cells, D for Dirichlet fixed head BCs, E for external cells. See for example the file bcs.txt in the folder test/data.

files containing the head BCs values

These are VTK structured points files.

Run the test

Once you set up all the parameters in the JSON file and provided the required data files, you can run the inversion. If you take as reference the folder structures provided on Github or Bitbucket, you should first move to the folder test. Once there, from the shell, you can call the script run_cmm.py by providing the name of the JSON input file. For example, you could write:

./run_cmm.py test07_md_paper/04_S-SW-W-NW/test.json

At the end of the run, you can find the intermediate and the output files into the folder defined in the JSON file, for example in the folder out/test07_md_paper/04_S-SW-W-NW/.